Seed Crops
New Zealand Grown
White Clover Seed

Since the early 1950’s the Larsen family has been successfully growing white clover seed crops for multiplication of seeds. Situated on the 43-degree south latitude line – in the Canterbury Plains of New Zealand, Scottville Farm is perfectly located for the off season (northern hemisphere winter) production of white clover seed. The climate here in Canterbury New Zealand along with good soils and reliable irrigation is ideal for the multiplication of clover seeds and is reflected in the fact that half the worlds white clover seed is grown in New Zealand. Our experience at Scottville Farm over the last 70 years of white clover seed production has proved to be successful with both seed quality and yields. We have fitted our combines with clover sieves and the fronts are modified to ensure minimum crop losses. Yields of 1000 kgs+ per hectare are often achieved. Varieties of white clover we currently grow include Mainstay, Merwi, Apis, Kakariki, however due to our climate we can pretty much grow any seed crop. Our White Clover seed crops are mostly grown for large seed companies such as PGG Wrightsons, Carrfields and Agriseeds in New Zealand.
Read more about our Farming Practices

Grass seed is a major part of the seed crop production at Scottville. Every year we grow up to 200 ha of Perennial, Italian and hybrid grasseed including high grade lines of seed. Yields have consisted around 2ton/ha since the introduction of the growth regulator moddus, in 2004. Swathing is done with our own Macdon windrower which gives us flexibility during the harvest season with timing preventing yield loss.

Vegetable Seed
Along with the cropping of white clover seed and grass seed, vegetable seeds are a common crop grown at Scottville Farm. Our experience growing vegetable seeds began in the early 1990’s with carrot, spinach and cabbage seed and over the last 25 odd years we have developed our range of seed crops including pak choi, hybrid radish, swiss chard, mizuna and several others. Our climate in New Zealand on the 43 parallel is ideal for the production of vegetable seeds, and this combined with irrigation and good soils has been why we are successful in what we do.